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Each student has individual interests and God-given talents. Our goal is to help them flourish by offering a variety of opportunities to grow these interests and talents inside and outside of the traditional classroom. We offer numerous enrichment opportunities, along with extracurricular activities, clubs, and teams.

Field Trips

Field trips are offered at each grade level and help enrich our curriculum.

CYO Athletics

Students in grades 3-8 may participate in soccer, basketball, volleyball and track. Students in grades K-2 may participate in Munchkin Track, JBA basketball and JVA volleyball. For more information, visit the CYO website.


Carroll Youth Band

Students in grades 5-8 can participate in the Carroll Youth Band program. Students meet twice weekly for small group instruction. In addition, weekly full band practices, with students from six grade schools, are held at Carroll High School. There is a flat tuition fee for this program. For more information, contact band director Carl Soucek.



Peacemakers are 7th and 8th graders who were elected by their peers and administration.  They conduct numerous activities that help promote peace, kindness, and empathy in our school and community. 


After School Care

Holy Angels School offers an After School Extension (ASE) program for working parents. Activities include outdoor play, homework and reading time, tutoring and special enrichment clubs. Care is offered both before and after the school day. For questions, contact ASE Director Nicole Richardson.



Children may be dropped off between 7:05 and 7:20 a.m. They are supervised in the cafeteria until the morning bell rings. Morning care is offered at no additional charge.



ASE begins at 2:20 p.m. and is available until 5:30 p.m. Fees are $5.00 per child per hour. Students may bring their own snacks; milk and juice are available for purchase.





© 2022 Holy Angels Dayton


223 L. Street | Dayton, OH 45409

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